Title: Aesoper Niti-gatha [Aesop’s Fables]
Author: Bishnucharan Bhattacharya
The contents have been judiciously revised by Pundit Kalikrishna Bhattacharya, Professor of Sanskrit at the Metropolitan College.(Mirerva Library, 54, College Street, Calcutta.)
Publisher: T.S. Banerjee & Co., 26, Shampukur Street, Calcutta.
Printer: Printed by N.N.Kongar at the Victoria Press, 2, Goabagan Street, Calcutta
Date & edition: 1912
Price: 4 annas
About the book: The book retells a few stories fromAesop’s fables in easy verse for children. The author’s preface acknowledges Townsend’s and Hamilton’s translations of the fables from the Greek originals as inspirations. Speaking of fables as ideal stories for educating children, he also recounts Vidyasagar’s Kathamala, which had included some of these fables for their intrinsic instructive value. He adds that the fables have been narrated in rhymed verse since it is easily committed to memory and is an amusing medium for children. The volume contains seventy fables in all.
Illustrations: The fables are illustrated with matching woodcuts. The frontispiece, showing the ensnared lion, is a coloured halftone print. The illustrations were probably printed by Saratsasi Ray at the New Artistic Press, 12-1 Ramkissen Das Lane, Calcutta.
Pages: 80
Genre: Book of fables
Source The National Library, Kolkata
Shelfmark.: 182. Nc. 899. 16 (4)
Pages featured:
1. Title page
2. Page 1
3. Cover Page