Title: Chhele o Chhabi [Children and Pictures]
Author: Ashutosh Mukhopadhyay
Publisher: S.C. Auddy, Booksellers and Publishers, 58, Wellington Street, Calcutta.
Printer: Printed by S.C. Haldar at the Queen’s Press, 37, Harrison Road, Calcutta.
Date & edition: 1898
Price: 6 annas
About the book: An entertaining volume of short stories, nursery rhymes and poems. The editor notes that there are plenty of pleasurable picture books for children in England and in other foreign nations. Such a literature that is at once agreeable, pleasing and instructive hones the readers’ mental faculties and helps to initiate a moral education. The book has been published to fill up - to a small extent - the dearth of a similar entertaining juvenile literature in Bengal. A compilation of light-hearted writings, it includes contributions from Nabakrishna Bhattacharya, Abanindranath Tagore, Payodhinath Mukhopadhyay, and a certain anonymous female author. A couple of pages at the end are devoted to riddles and illustrations of magic-lantern figures.
Illustrations: Illustrated with woodcuts
Pages: 44
Genre: Book of prose and verse. Nursery rhymes. Fairy tales.
Source: The Chaitanya Library
Shelfmark: Sha 198
Pages featured:
1. Title page
2. Page 1
3. Illustrations of Magic Lantern figures |