Title: Gopal and Kaminee
Author: Translated from the English by Ramnarayan Vidyaratna
Publisher: Published under the patronage of Lieut. W.N. Lees.
Printer: Bishop’s College Press, Calcutta.
Date & edition: 1856
Price: 8annas
About the book: The book narrates a moral tale – the story of the twins Gopal and Kaminee – as told by a father to his son. The author hopes to achieve the golden combination of ‘instruction’ and ‘delight’ in equal measure through this “attractive” tale which “will be found to contain good moral lessons.”
Illustrations: None
Pages: 155
Genre: Translation, Moral tale
Source: The British Library, London
Shelfmark: VT 1369
Pages featured:
1. Title page (English)
2. Title page (Benglai)
3. Page 1