Title: Jhumjhumi [The Rattle]
Manilal Gangopadhyay
Publisher: Manilal Gangopadhyay, the Indian Publishing House, 22, Cornwallis Street, Calcutta.
Printer: Printed by Haricharan Manna at the Kantik Press, 20, Cornwallis Street, Calcutta.
Date & edition: 1910
Price: 6 annas
About the book: The five stories in the book are inspired by Japanese tales. The author states in the preface that the volume can very well be seen as a sequel to his earlier publication of Japanese stories for children - Japani Phanush.
The final tale “Indurer Mokorddoma” had been rendered in rhymed verse by the author’s friend – the well known poet Stayendranath Dutta.
Illustrations: The volume uses illustrations in abundance. The appeal of the tales, peopled with animal characters, is greatly enhanced by the pretty single-toned pictures. All the illustrations are carried out in a Western style.
Page: 62
Genre: Adaptation of Japanese tales
Source: The National Library, Kolkata
Shelfmark.: 182.Od. 910.12
Pages featured:
1. Front cover
2. Page 1
3. An Illustration