Title: Jyotiringan [The Firefly]
Editor(s): Not mentioned
Publisher: Calcutta Tract Society, Bhawanipore.
Printer: Twelve issues from July 1869 – June 1870 printed for the second time by Brajamadhab Basu at the Saptahik Sanbad Jantra
First issue: July 1869
About: A monthly periodical for women and children, its mission was to combine education and entertainment for its readers."With this periodical we have set out to simultaneously amuse and educate our women and children", stated the introductory editorial.
A periodical with a manifestly didactic approach, it sought to publish a range of writings on narrative literature, history and science and hoped to ground the readers in knowledge, virtue and morality.
Illustrations: Woodcut illustrations used occasionally.
Pages: 16
Genre: Periodical, Monthly.
Source: The Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata Available online via SavifaDok
Shelfmark: NA, Bengali Periodicals and Newspapers
Pages featured:
Pages from Jyotiringan, 1869