Title: Nutan Barnamala [The New Alphabet Book]
Author: K.J.B
Publisher: Not mentioned
Printer: Printed at the Bangla Jantra, 75, Cornwallis Street, Calcutta.
Date & edition: 1877
Price: 6 annas
About the book: An alphabet and spelling book, the text uses easy words and conversational language for teaching beginners. The lengthy preface explains the pedagogical methods adopted by the author, that are quite different from the usual ways of teaching the alphabets to a child: “Lest the infant-puplis get confused and discouraged by an overwhelming mass of matter, we (following Paestalozzi) do not place before them the whole of the copious alphabet, but begin with very little and with the simplest and the easiest.”
Beautiful typefaces and the use of large prints also help to make this little publication distinctive in a profusion of Bengali primers and readers that flooded the contemporary vernacular market.
Illustrations: None
Pages: 24
Genre: Alphabet and Spelling Book, Primer
Source: The British Library, London
Shelfmark: VT 1992
Pages featured:
1. Front Cover
2. Page 9