Rangachhabi [Rosy Pictures]

Title: Rangachhabi [Rosy Pictures]

Author: Compiled by Yogindranath Sarkar.

Publisher: The City Book Society, 64 College Street, Calcutta.

Printer: Printed by Shekh Abdul at [name of the press unreadable], 6, College Square.

Date & edition: 9th edition. 1911.

Price: 5 annas

About the book:
A happy medley of stories, rhymes, riddles and pictures the volume is animated with tales and illustrations of birds and beasts who are often seen in a merry camaraderie with children. Along with a couple of items that are reprinted from Sakha – a popular children’s periodical of the 1880s – the book contains a variety of original writings for children and a folk tale to add to its flavour. 

Most of the blocks used seem to be of foreign origins and only a few, like the one used for the illustration of “Pantaburi”, appear to have been made locally. Sarkar became a well-known name for his series of attractively illustrated books for children, issued from his publishing office at the City Book Society.

The title page verso advertises thirteen other children’s books (all of which were either authored or compiled by Yogindranath Sarkar) that have been recommended by the Director as ideal award or ‘prize books’.

Pages: 40

Genre: Book of prose and verse

Source: The Boys’ Own Library, Kolkata.

Shelfmark: Shi 93

Pages featured:
1. Title page
2. Page 1
3. Illustration for “Shadher Ghora”








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