Title: Sathi [The Companion]
Editor(s): Bhubanmohan Ray, Sathishchandra Sen.
Publisher & printer: Printed and published by Amritalal Ghosh at the B.K. Das & Company’s Press, 17, Madhusudan Gupta Lane, Calcutta.
First issue: May 1893
Price: 14 annas annually including postal charges.
5 paisa for single issue.
About: Desiring to provide a multifaceted education for boys and girls, the magazine included biographies of illustrious men, fiction and poetry, articles on science, historical narratives and writings on sport and other useful pastimes. There was an added emphasis on including at least four to five illustrations in each issue since the editors felt that though there were plenty of illustrated serials for boys and girls in foreign countries, there was a huge dearth of such attractive yet affordable juvenile magazines in Bengal.
Illustrations: Illustrated with woodcuts
Note: Merged with Sakha and published as Sakha o Sathi from April 1894.
Pages: 20
Genre: Periodical, Monthly.
Source: The Bangiya Sahitya Parishad Granthagar, Kolkata
Shelfmark: 751/1
Pages featured
1 Page 1 Vol I
2. Page 162
3. Page 216 217
4. Endorsements