Title: Thakurmar Jhola [Grandmother’s Pouch]
Author: Satyacharan Chakraborty
Publisher: [Title page wanting]
Printer: [Title page wanting]
Date & edition: [1918]
Price: [Title page wanting]
About the book: The anthology consists of two parts – the first containing five and the second eight fairy tales. Apart from these thirteen stories, the book also has a few nursery rhymes. The author, Satyacharan Chakraborty had been one of the editors of Shishu – a children’s magazine of the early twentieth century. Following Thakurmar Jhola he published two more fairy tale anthologies – Thakurdar Jhola and Thandidir Galpa.
Illustrations: The woodcut illustrations as well as the decorative elements of the book are strongly reminiscent of the ‘indigenous’ designs of Dakshinaranjan Mitra Majumdar’s Thakurmar Jhuli (1907).
Pages: 178
Genre: Folk and Fairy Tale.
Source: The National Library, Kolkata.
Shelfmark: 182.Oc.918.31
Pages featured:
1. Page 1
Beginning of Dwitio Lohor or the Second Part
References consulted for this entry
Mitra, Khagendranath. Shatabdir Shishusahitya. |